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The Text of the Organization of Services of Visitors of Madina for Minor Pilgrimage (Umrah) and the Visitors to the Prophetic Mosque from Abroad

The service of the Comers to Umrah and the Visitors of the Holy Prophet Mosque from outside the Kingdom...

The Text of the Rules of Hajj Escorts Groups Agents, Leaders and Butlers of Zamzam Water Discipline Law

A Disciplinary Council, directly linked to the Minister of Pilgrimage and Endowments, shall be established in accordance with these rules for the trial...

Ministerial Decision Concerning the Formation and Functions of the Disciplinary Board for the Trial of Zamzam Trustees – guiders, Agents and Individuals of Hajj Escorts Groups

A Disciplinary Council shall be formed for the trial of the individuals of circumambulators, agents, leaders and Zamzamians syndicates...

The general law of pilgrims' guides issued by the High Order No. 7267 dated 3/11/1367 AH

The general law of pilgrims' guides issued by the High Order No. 7267 dated 3/11/1367 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution 159 dated 17/3/1385 AH on the Organization of Services of Pilgrims Communities

Council of Ministers Resolution 159 dated 17/3/1385 AH on the Organization of Services of Pilgrims Communities