University Affairs Council Resolution No. (2/9/1444) dated 03/01/1444 H Approve the regulation governing postgraduate studies in universities, according to the format attached herein. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (656) dated 22/11/1443 H Extending the Work of the Organizational Chart and Guide of the Ministry of Education Issued in respect of which Resolution No. (511) dated 02/9/ 1440 H Extending the Work of the Organizational Chart and Guide of the Ministry of Education Issued in respect of which Resolution No. (511) dated 02/9/ 1440 H |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (4300682961) dated 16/6/1443 H Regarding the School and Supervisory Operational Manuals for the Return to Study for the Kindergarten and Primary Stages under translation |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (1/4300543554) dated 12/5/443 H Regarding the Mechanism for Accepting Students Coming from Abroad during the Academic Year under translation |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (37910687) dated 19 / 5 / 1437 H to stop requests to change majors and requests to approve studies other than the main major Stop requests to change majors and requests to approve studies other than the main major |
Higher Educational Council Resolution No.10-15-1420 in 1/2/1420(H) About Laws Organizing Scientific Societies in Saudi Universities The Higher educational council, in accordance with section (5) from Article (15) from the Higher educational council and the universities law... |
The students Evaluation Regulation The students Evaluation Regulation was issued by the virtue of the approval custodian of the two Holy Mosques, chairman of the supreme committee for Education Policy... |
Universities Financial Affairs Regulation Each university shall have a special independent budget, to be approved by a Royal Decree that assigns... |
The Text of the Higher Education Council and Universities Law Universities are academic and cultural institutions that work according to the principles of Islamic Sharia, and implement educational policies by providing under-graduate... |
The text of the Law of the Institute of Diplomatic Studies an Institute called "The Institute of Diplomatic studies" shall be established according to this Law... |
Royal Decree No. (M/59) dated 14/9/1431 H Approval of the Code of Ethics for Research on Living Creatures First: Approval of the research ethics law on living creatures, in the accompanying form. |
Council of Ministries Resolution Approving the Controls of Private Schools Utilization of Educational Utilities Land Owned by the Private Sector After reviewing the formality sent by the council of ministries No. (32443/B) dated... |
Controls of Private Schools Utilization of Educational Utilities Land Owned by the Private Sector A committee presided by Education Manager – or who he may authorize – membership of... |
Resolution of Council of Ministers Approving the Law of General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 56021/B dated on... |
The text of the Law of General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training The following terms occurring in this law shall have the meanings indicated opposite each of them unless the context requires otherwise... |
Decision of the Minister of Education Approving the Implementing Regulations of Law of Teaching Aids Materials Production and Marketing According to Article (14) of the law of production and marketing of the supporting educational materials issued by... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Teaching Aids Materials Production and Marketing The following words and phrases whenever mentioned in this law shall refer to the respective meanings unless... |
the text of the Law of Teaching Aids Materials Production and Marketing The following words and expressions wherever they are provided in this low – shall mean the indicated meanings in front of them, unless... |
Technical Colleges Council Basic Regulation The following terms and expressions shall have the meanings stated against each of them... |
Education Policies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be on His Prophet and his companions... |
Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Law for the Production and Marketing of Teaching Aids Materials after reviewing documents received from the Council Presidency Bureau No 7/B/29488 dated 8 – 9/6/1425H, including... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law for the Production and Marketing of Teaching Aids Materials Based on of Article (70) of the Basic Law of Governance (the Kingdom Constitution) issued by the Royal Order No (90) dated... |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 59 dated 26/3/1422H Approving the Organizational Rules for Foreign Languages Centers After reviewing the transaction No 780/8 dated 28/11/1419H, incoming from the Council Presidency... |
Minister of Education Decision Approving the Organizational Rules for Foreign Languages Centers After reviewing the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution No (95) on 26/3/1422H approving the Organizational... |
The Text of the Private Schools Legislative Organization Regulation Approving the Private Schools Legislative Organization Regulation in the form attached herewith and for such this is hereby edited... |
General Regulation for Stages of Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Schools and its Explanatory Notes This regulation includes primary, intermediate and secondary schools stages and equivalent stages at all educational institutions but the training and temporary courses institutions shall have their own regulations... |
Royal Decree Amending Article Eight of the Public Administration Institute Law Article (8), of the Law of the Public Administration Institute issued by the Royal Decree No (93) Dated 14/10/1380.H. shall be amended to read... |
The students Evaluation Regulation The students Evaluation Regulation was issued by the virtue of the approval custodian of the two Holy Mosques, chairman of the supreme committee for Education Policy No. 836... |
The Regulation Organizing the Affairs of the Universities Saudi Teaching Staff Members and Equivalent Employees Teaching staff members are:-
1- Professors... |
Royal decree No. M/8 in 19/4/1406 (H) approving king Abdul Aziz city for sciences and technology (KACST) law The National Centre for Sciences and Technology, established according to the Royal decree No... |
Decision of the Supreme Economic Council on re-organization of students rewards at education Halls for the Sake of Rationalization After Considering the incoming transaction from the Cabinet of Ministers Chamber by No... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers on Re-organization of students rewards at Higher Education halls for the Purpose of Rationalization After reviewing the transaction incoming from the Cabinet of Ministers Head Chamber by... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers on Seeking Assistance of the Saudi academic board in Consolatory Services at Government Authorities After reviewing the transaction attached to the following letters incoming from the Cabinet... |
The Executive Rules and the Administrative and Technical Procedures of the Non-governmental Colleges Regulation With regard to the provisions of the non-governmental colleges’ regulation, the following words and expressions shall have wherever they appear in these rules, the meanings shown in front of each, respectively as follows... |
The Text of the Non-governmental Colleges Regulation The following words and phrases, whenever they appear in this regulation, shall have the meanings shown in front of each, respectively... |
Areas’ Educational Directorates Councils Regulation It is a work, executive and consultative council wherein sectors of educational Directorates are represented; to include supervision, the actual follow up... |
Controls of the Educational Services Centers Work at the centre shall be in the evenings during the academic year and in the morning and evening in the summer holidays. The centre works during the school days of the week... |
Violations and Penalties The institutions and centers that practice training activities without obtaining an initial license from the Corporation shall have the following implemented against them... |
Permits and Licences Firstly, the initial permit: |
University Study and Examination Regulation The Study year:
Two major semesters and a summer semester, if any... |
The Rules Organizing the Study of the Saudi Students’ applications for Admissions to Foreign Schools The Ministry of Education is the authority solely authorized to admit Saudi students to foreign schools in accordance with the Regulation of Foreign Schools... |
The Text of the Foreign Schools Regulation The following terms shall carry the meanings shown in front of each, respectively, as follows... |
The Text of the Law of Adult Education and Eradication of Illiteracy This Law shall be named (The Law of Adult Education and Illiteracy Eradication)... |
The Text of the Law of Adult Education and Eradication of Illiteracy This Law shall be named (The Law of Adult Education and Illiteracy Eradication)... |
Royal Decree Amending Article Two of the Public Administration Institute Law Amendment of Article (2) of the Public Administration Institute Law to read... |
The Text of the Law of the Public Administration Institute By the virtue of this decree an institute called "the Public Administration Institute" shall be established as an independent body with a juridical personality to... |
The Training Diploma Instructions The Trainee shall satisfy the conditions of admission required to join the program... |
The Training Diploma Instructions The Trainee shall satisfy the conditions of admission required to join the program... |
Training Instructions in non-Governmental Technical Secondary Institutes All non-governmental technical secondary institutes shall be subject to all the admissions registration and examinations instructions implemented in the governmental secondary technical... |
The United Regulation for Academic (Scientific) Research at the Universities Definitions: The expressions included in this regulation shall carry the meanings explained below... |
The United Regulation for Post Graduate Studies at the Universities The Post-graduate studies are targeting the realization of the following purposes... |
The Training Diploma Instructions The Trainee shall satisfy the conditions of admission required to join the program... |
The Regulation Organizing the Technical Institutes and the Non-Governmental Vocational Centers The following terms, whenever appear in this regulation, shall have the meaning shown in front of each one, respectively... |
The Text of the Law of Public Corporation for Technical Education and Vocational Training There shall be established, according to this law, a public corporation to be named "The Public Corporation for Technical Education and Vocational Training... |
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 118 (1) The approval of the law of Public Corporation for Technical Education and Vocational Training attached herein... |
Regulation of Powers This Regulation was issued based on the decision of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President of the council of the Diplomatic Studies Institute No... |
The Controls of Opening and Closing Schools Schools of general education (boys and girls) in the cities, villages and desert dwellings (higars) shall be open according to specific controls for each of these groups as follows... |
The Text of the Law of the Directorate General of Education This law shall be called "the basic law of The Directorate General of Education"... |
The Executive Rules for the Organizing Regulation of the Non Governmental Technical Institutes and Vocational Centers e licensed non governmental technical secondary Institutes are... |
Non – Saudis Employment At the Universities Regulation "The approval of the regulation of non-Saudis employment at the Universities, according to the text attached to this decision... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Public Corporation for Technical Education and Vocational Training Approve the Law of the Public Corporation for Technical Education and Vocational Training as per the attached text... |
The Regulation of Establishing A Training Center for the Employees of Food Producing, Processing and Manufacturing Firms The objectives of this Regulation are to ensure the safety of food from the phases of its production, processing, preparation, storing and handling until it reaches the consumer... |
The Draft Regulation of the Student' Behavioral Discipline It is the extent of personal adherence of the student to the school system, acceptance of school directions and instructions and its execution within the walls of school and its perimeter... |
The Regulation Organizing the Rewards of the Authors and the Members of the Text Books Review and Correction Committees The provisions of this regulation shall apply to the Ministry of Education, the General Presidency of Girls Education and all other governmental authorities that manage... |
Non-Saudis Employment Contract for Working at the Universities On the day: ………… month: …………. Of the year: ………….H, corresponding to …. /…./….. G. a contract was concluded between... |
Draft Regulation of Non–Governmental Universities The following words and terms, wherever mentioned in this regulation shall carry the meanings shown in front of each, respectively as follows... |
Circular regarding abiding by the uniform for all male and female students. Circular regarding abiding by the uniform for all male and female students. |
Circular regarding data to be provided for those applying or English language test. Circular regarding data to be provided for those applying or English language test. |
Circular regarding review of examination centers for English language test. Circular regarding review of examination centers for English language test. |
Circular regarding review of the international health organization guide for educational program for patient's safety. Circular regarding review of the international health organization guide for educational program for patient's safety. |
Circular regarding the call to participate in the institutes owners meetings. Circular regarding the call to participate in the institutes owners meetings. |
Circular regarding the conditions to accept and record male and female students of national health institutes starting from the new year 1433/1432H. Circular regarding the conditions to accept and record male and female students of national health institutes starting from the new year 1433/1432H. |
Circular No. 109070 dated 2/4/1432H regarding payment of annual follow up and continuous supervision fees for qualification courses center. Circular No. 109070 dated 2/4/1432H regarding payment of annual follow up and continuous supervision fees for qualification courses center. |
Form or request of trainers / teachers. Form or request of trainers / teachers. |
Form for requesting of approval to hold attending course. Form for requesting of approval to hold attending course. |
Form for requesting the approval of manager/ administrative employee / supervisor/ trainer. Form for requesting the approval of manager/ administrative employee / supervisor/ trainer. |
Form for requesting final license to open national training institute. Form for requesting final license to open national training institute. |
Form requesting final license to open national training institute. Form requesting final license to open national training institute. |
Form requesting adding an activity to an institute or national training center. Form requesting adding an activity to an institute or national training center. |
Form requesting renew of license for national training institute. Form requesting renew of license for national training institute. |
Form requesting adding an activity to an institute or national training center. Form requesting adding an activity to an institute or national training center. |
Royal Order No. (A/22) dated 19/1/1433H amending article 6 of King Abdallah city regulation for Atom power and renewed power issued by the royal order No. (A/35) dated 3/5/1431H under translation |
Decision of high education council No. 1417/ 6/4 dated 26/8/1417H, regarding the approval of the by-law organizing Saudi universities employees affairs of the teaching body members and the like and the executive and procedural rules for king Faisal university according to university council Decision No. 11 dated 5/2/1421H. Decision of high education council No. 1417/ 6/4 dated 26/8/1417H, regarding the approval of the by-law organizing Saudi universities employees affairs of the teaching body members and the like and the executive and procedural rules for king Faisal university according to university council Decision No. 11 dated 5/2/1421H. |
Royal Decree No. (M/14) dated 1/3/1433H Regarding the Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between King Abdulaziz Department and Albayrooni Institute -- |
Circular No. 7/V/26350 regarding consideration of the names given to facilities, centers, educational institutions, scientific and sport courses etc in the private and public sector. Circular No. 7/V/26350 regarding consideration of the names given to facilities, centers, educational institutions, scientific and sport courses etc in the private and public sector. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (36) dated 25/2/1445 H Approving the Regulation of Saudi Schools Abroad Transportation shall be provided to male and female students who desires to pay a fee equivalent to the actual cost of transportation. |
High Education Council Resolution No. (1417/6/4) dated 26/8/1417 H Regarding the Approval of the by-Law Organizing Saudi Universities Employees Affairs of the Teaching body Members and the like and the Executive and Procedural Rules for King Faisal University According to University Council Resolution No. (11) dated 5/2/1421 H -- |
Controls to instruct educational positions encumpants and the mechanism Controls to instruct educational positions encumpants and the mechanism |
Controls to instruct educational positions encumpants and the mechanism Controls to instruct educational positions encumpants and the mechanism |
Guide appendixes and the required lists to apply the controls for paying distinguish awards to Saudi teaching authority members and the like in Saudi government universities. Guide appendixes and the required lists to apply the controls for paying distinguish awards to Saudi teaching authority members and the like in Saudi government universities. |
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 33 dated 18/2/1418H regarding exceptance polices for study Decision of Council of Ministers No. 33 dated 18/2/1418H regarding exceptance polices for study |
Controls for preparation and execution of bridging programs to obtain BSC in health disciples and conditions for students to joint the same in universities and special colleges. Controls for preparation and execution of bridging programs to obtain BSC in health disciples and conditions for students to joint the same in universities and special colleges. |
Circular regarding stopping acceptance in the qualifying course for secondary graduates for arts section in the vocational sections. Circular regarding stopping acceptance in the qualifying course for secondary graduates for arts section in the vocational sections. |
Royal Order No. (A/91) dated 27/4/1433H appointing Dr. Adnan bin Abduallah bin Solaiman Almazrooa as manager of Tayba university in the excellent grade. under translation |
Guide to research procedures supported from inside university (Tabouk) of 1428H 1429H Guide to research procedures supported from inside university (Tabouk) of 1428H 1429H |
Royal order |