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Resolution No. (145) dated 24/02/1444 H Conversion of Jeddah Project Management Office to an Authority called (Jeddah Development Authority)

The conversion of Jeddah Projects Management Office established in Article (Three) of Royal Decree No. (22305) dated 05/04/1441 H to an Authority named "Jeddah Development Authority".

Resolution No. (703) dated 27/12/1443 H Approval of the Organizational Arrangements for the Strategic Office for the Development of Al-Baha, in the accompanying wording

Approval of the Organizational Arrangements for the Strategic Office for the Development of Al-Baha, in the accompanying wording.

Royal Order No. (A/567) dated 04/10/1443 H, establishing Al-Ahsa Development Commission

Establishing Al-Ahsa Development Commission

1. Royal Order No. (A/566) dated 04/10/1443 establishing Taif Development Commission

Establishing Taif Development Commission

Royal Decree No. (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H Approving of the Waste Management Law

Royal Decree No. (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (726) dated 3 / 12 / 1442 H granting the National Center for Waste Management the power to issue licenses and permits for waste management activities

Granting the National Center for Waste Management the power to issue licenses and permits for waste management activities

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4200783184) Dated 10/11/1442 H concerning the Approval of Update of the Sporting Buildings Requirements.

The Ministry shall be competent with issuing, amending , renewing, cancelling and suspending the municipal licenses for all types of activities

Ministerial Resolution

For the purpose of applying these controls, the following words and expressions shall, whenever mentioned herein, have the meanings indicated hereunder to them, as follows: Ministry: The Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs

: Approval of issuing the technical requirements for charging the electric vehicles, as per the accompanying wording:

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (297) date11/09/1433 Agreeing to Establish Controls Deposit Owned Companies and Municipalities


Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (71880) dated 15 / 10 / 1429 H on the measures taken against the violating factories

Measures taken against the violating factories

Circular for Secretariats and Authorities of Water and Sanitation And Directorates of Riyadh, Aseer and Al Qassim and their region municipalities, and municipalities of Al Taif, Al-Ahsa, and Hafar Al-Batin,

The Technical Manual for the Instructions and Controls of the Waste Sanitary Landfill

Decree No. (256) dated: 12/8/1433 H- Approving the Leasing Finance Law

A draft royal decree to that effect has been prepared, a draft thereof is attached hereto.

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Categorization of Contractors

After reviewing the law of categorizing the contractors issued by virtue of the honorable Royal Decree No. (18) dated on...

Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Law of Categorization of Contractors

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 7223/b dated on 24/02/1426 H...

Royal Decree Approving the Law of Categorization of Contractors

According to Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated...

The Regulation of Law of Categorization of Contractors

The contractor shall submit the categorization forms after filling them in to the Contractors Categorization Agency so as to...

The text of the Law of Categorization of Contractors

The following words and phrases whenever mentioned in this law shall refer to the respective meanings unless otherwise states...

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (71) Dated on 02/04/1427 H

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 52290/b dated on...

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Dividing Dammam City, Ahsa and Gateef Provinces Municipal Councils into 7, 6 and 5 constituencies, respectively

Based on Municipal and Rural Affairs Law, issued by the Royal Decree No. 5 dated 21/2/1397H, and...

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Approving the Implementing Regulations on for the Municipal Councils Activity

Based on the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No (224) dated 17/8/1424 H, stipulating the expansion of the citizens participation in...

The Implementing Regulations for Municipal Councils' Activity

The following words wherever exist shall have the meanings stated before each unless the context otherwise requires...

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Dividing Riyadh Municipal Council into 7 Constituencies

Based on Municipal and Rural Affairs Law, issued by the Royal Decree No 5 dated 212/1397H, and...

The Municipal Councils Members Election Regulation

At application of the Rules of the regulation, the following definitions and expressions give the meaning stated in...

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision Approving the Municipal Councils Members Election Regulation

Based on of the cabinet of Ministers resolution No (224), dated 17/8/1424H...

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Approving the Time-table for the Elections of the Members of the Municipal Councils

After reviewing the Law of Municipalities and Villages issued by the Royal Decree No...

Royal Order Formatting the Authority for the Development of Makkah, Madinah and the Holy Sites

After reviewing the basic Law of Governance (Kingdom Constitution), issued by the Royal Order No...

Rules of Functions of the Supreme Authority for the Development of Riyadh City

e Supreme Authority for the Development of Ar-Riyadh City shall be commissioned to undertake the following duties...

Rules of Functions of the Supreme Authority for the Development of Riyadh City

e Supreme Authority for the Development of Ar-Riyadh City shall be commissioned to undertake the following duties...

The Municipality Violations Fines and Penalties Regulation, issued by the the Council of Ministers decision no 25

What the state is executing of giant projects is solely intended for the citizen's conveniences, and such projects costs the state vast amounts of money to be executed properly...

Regulation of Labels Affixed on Cans and Packets of Packed Food Stuffs

With reference to the inquiries of some municipalities about the packing and validity expiry dates of some packed food stuffs and how such dates shall be inscribed on the containers, the consumer protection Directorate at...

The Regulation of the Flush-Floods Basins Properties

Regarding the flash- floods basins where in the lien properties are buried, and where the right of lien no longer exists...

Minister of Interior Decision Amending the Tasks and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs

After reviewing the Civil Defense Law, issued by the Royal Decree No 10 dated...

The Municipality Violations Fines and Penalties Regulation, issued by the the Council of Ministers decision no 218

The word (municipality) wherever it is mentioned herein indicates the Office of Riyadh City Mayor, municipality or the rural community...

The Regulations for the Development and Promotion of the Villages in the Kingdom

Without prejudice to the stipulation of laws for general jurisdictions of some administrations and departments of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages Affairs shall be responsible for...

Royal Decree Amending Article Six of the Mayors' Law

Amending paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Mayors Law issued by the royal decree No M/7, dated 10.4.1406h. To read as follows...

The Text of the Mayors' Law

Mayors and their deputies are part of the security men, who contribute to keeping order and security, they carry out the instructions of the security organs and handle the inhabitants...

The Law according to the latest amendment - Royal Order No. (A/92) dated 27/8/1412H Issuing The Law of Areas

This order aims at upgrading the administrative performance and development in the areas of the Kingdom, it also aims at maintaining law and order and to preserve the rights of the citizens and their freedom within the frame work of Islamic Sharia...

Missions and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs

-Conduct listing of engineers and specialized technicians in the maintenance departments and all equipment and operators available at the subsidiary organs of the Ministry which may be used for this purpose in emergencies and drawing up general and ...

The Text of the Law of Municipalities and Villages

A Municipality is a juridical (an artificial) person having a financial and administrative independence; it practices the functions assigned to it by the virtue of this Law and its executive regulations...

Decision of municipality and rural affairs No. 31558 dated 3/7/1432H.

Decision of municipality and rural affairs No.31558 dated 3/7/1432H.

Decision of the Minister or municipality and rural affairs regarding the executive by-law for the regulation of real states unit ownership and segregation of the same.

Decision of the Minister or municipality and rural affairs regarding the executive by-law for the regulation of real states unit ownership and segregation of the same.

Executive instructions for the by-law of acting regarding municipality real states

Executive instructions for the by-law of acting regarding municipality real states

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 610 dated 2/1/1433H regarding specifying women categories who may be granted plots of land and whose names are listed in computer operations in the Ministry in the light of the validity of the Decision of council of Minister No. 168 dated 12/7/1421H.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 610 dated 2/1/1433H regarding specifying women categories who may be granted plots of land and whose names are listed in computer operations in the Ministry in the light of the validity of the Decision of council of Minister No. 168 dated 12/7/1421H.

Voters registration guide (second round 1432).

Voters registration guide (second round 1432)

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 60778 SZ dated 10/9/1428H regarding control procedures for the main activities in municipalities.

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No.60778 SZ dated 10/9/1428H regarding control procedures for the main activities in municipalities.

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (60778/S Z) dated 10/9/1428 H approving the Regulation of land planning procedures

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (60778/S Z) dated 10/9/1428 H approving the Regulation of land planning procedures

Nominated registration guide in municipal councils elections (second round 1432).

Nominated registration guide in municipal councils elections (second round 1432).

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 15711 dated 4/4/1432H issuing instructions of election contests.

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 15711 dated 4/4/1432H issuing instructions of election contests.

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No. (15673) dated 4/4/1432 H issuing instructions of election campaigns.

Decision of the minister of municipality and rural affairs No. (15673) dated 4/4/1432 H issuing instructions of election campaigns.

Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 11999 dated 11/3/1432H issuing the by-law for municipal Councils members elections (second round).

Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 11999 dated 11/3/1432H issuing the by-law for municipal Councils members elections (second round).

Ministerial Decision No. 38396 dated 15/6/1425H regarding the approval of the by-law for municipal Councils members elections- canceled according to Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 11999 dated 11/3/1432H issuing the by-law for municipal Councils members elections (second round).

Ministerial Decision No. 38396 dated 15/6/1425H regarding the approval of the by-law for municipal Councils members elections- canceled according to Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 11999 dated 11/3/1432H issuing the by-law for municipal Councils members elections (second round).

Guide of voters register (second round 1432H)

Guide of voters register (second round 1432H)

Royal order No. (A/174)appointing H.R.H. prince Abdualrahman bin nasir bin Abdualaziz Alkharj governor in excellent grade.

Royal order No. (A/174) appointing H.R.H. prince Abdualrahman bin nasir bin Abdualaziz Alkharj governor in excellent grade.

The municipal and technical requirements for transport centres

These terms have been prepared with a view to determining the minimum technical and municipal basic requirements that shall be applied and complied with in order to obtain a license

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 136 dated 6/6/1421H regarding management of municipality investment development.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 136 dated 6/6/1421H regarding management of municipality investment development.

orm of contract of real estate lease and investment according to the provisions of the system of the government purchases and tenders.

orm of contract of real estate lease and investment according to the provisions of the system of the government purchases and tenders.

form of contract of real estate lease and investment according to the provisions of the system of the government purchases and tenders.

form of contract of real estate lease and investment according to the provisions of the system of the government purchases and tenders.

Contract of rental of property by the state

Contract of rental of property by the state

Form of contract of operation and maintenance and cleaning.

Form of contract of operation and maintenance and cleaning.

Form of contract of public works as contained in the Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 136 dated 13/6/1408.

Form of contract of public works as contained in the Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 136 dated 13/6/1408.

Form of the standard contract of easement with sewage

Form of the standard contract of easement with sewage

Specifications of maintenance of asphaltic road pavements.

Specifications of maintenance of asphaltic road pavements.

Form of the standard contract for usufruct of potable water.

Form of the standard contract for usufruct of potable water.

Form of contract of supply of potable water by the tanks to the city of ----------------------

Form of contract of supply of potable water by the tanks to the city of ----------------------

Circular No. 8/1284 dated 19/11/1407H on cancellation of the Committee formed by the Royal order No. 24405 dated 16/10/1400

Circular No. 8/1284 dated 19/11/1407H on cancellation of the Committee formed by the Royal order No. 24405 dated 16/10/1400

Circular No. 9027/5/R dated 1/6/1406H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Circular No. 9027/5/R dated 1/6/1406H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Circular No. 9027/5/R dated 1/6/1406H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Circular No. 9027/5/R dated 1/6/1406H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Circular No. 154/5 dated 24/5/1404H on ascertaining the importance of safe keeping of the civilization heritage

Circular No. 154/5 dated 24/5/1404H on ascertaining the importance of safe keeping of the civilization heritage

Circular No. 28340 dated 15-12/1403H regarding the towns of Haizan, Gunfutha and Al-Laith

Circular No. 28340 dated 15-12/1403H regarding the towns of Haizan, Gunfutha and Al-Laith

Circular No. 751/N/7 dated 13/1/1403H regarding the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 3 dated 1/1/1403H sanctioning the agreement to the regulations of village development in the Kingdom

Circular No. 751/N/7 dated 13/1/1403H regarding the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 3 dated 1/1/1403H sanctioning the agreement to the regulations of village development in the Kingdom

Circular No. (21693/S/3) dated 8/9/97 H on the agreement to the contents of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (1196) dated 25/8/97H on the agreement to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Circular No. (21693/S/3) dated 8/9/97 H on the agreement to the contents of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (1196) dated 25/8/97H on the agreement to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (98) dated 10/5/1406 H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (98) dated 10/5/1406 H regarding signing the document of the Regional Planning of the United Nations Development Program

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2111 dated 21-11-1403H regarding the towns of Haizan, Gunfutha and Al-Laith

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2111 dated 21-11-1403H regarding the towns of Haizan, Gunfutha and Al-Laith

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 3 dated 1/1/1403H on the agreement to the regulations of village development in the Kingdom

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 3 dated 1/1/1403H on the agreement to the regulations of village development in the Kingdom

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 1169 dated 25-8-1397H regarding the approval of to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 1169 dated 25-8-1397H regarding the approval of to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 1169 dated 25-8-1397H regarding the approval of to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 1169 dated 25-8-1397H regarding the approval of to endorse the principle of speeding up coordination between the projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipalities and Villages

Circular No. (13653) dated 14/5/1394 H inclusive of the Council of Ministers Decision No. (559) dated 23/4/94 H regarding the formulation of a higher committee for the developing the kingdom's villages

Circular No. (13653) dated 14/5/1394 H inclusive of the Council of Ministers Decision No. (559) dated 23/4/94 H regarding the formulation of a higher committee for the developing the kingdom's villages

The Updated Regulations for the rules of the urban domain until 1450h Issued under Ministerial Resolution No 66000 dated on 20/12/1435h

It is a policy to guide and control urban development by setting appropriate boundaries for settling public activities and absorbing urban growth within a specified

Cabinet Decision No. 637 dated 23-10-1438H on the approval of the Financial Regulations of the Municipal Councils

Cabinet Decision No. 637 dated 23-10-1438H on the approval of the Financial Regulations of the Municipal Councils

Council Decision No. 666 dated 8-11-1438H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 485 dated 16-11-1436H regarding the approval of the establishment of a national program entitled "the National Program to support the management of projects at the public bodies."

Council Decision No. 666 dated 8-11-1438H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 485 dated 16-11-1436H regarding the approval of the establishment of a national program entitled "the National Program to support the management of projects at the public bodies."

Royal Order No. A / 199 dated 25/7/1438 H regarding the appointment of Dr. Ghanim bin Humaidi Al-Mohammadi as Assistant to the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs for Planning and Development at the excellent rank

Royal Order No. A / 199 dated 25/7/1438 H regarding the appointment of Dr. Ghanim bin Humaidi Al-Mohammadi as Assistant to the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs for Planning and Development at the excellent rank

Royal Decree No. (M/62) dated 20/12/1405 H To approve the system of protection of public utilities

Prior to any action affecting the networks and facilities of any public utility, obtaining from the competent authority the plans and instructions for that facility and take the maximum precautions to ensure its protection and not to stop its services from any beneficiary thereof.

Royal Decree No. (M / 59) dated 23/9/1435 H approving The law of Municipal Licensing Procedures

The Ministry is competent to issue municipal licenses for all types of activities, modify them, renew them, cancel them and stop them.

The Resolution by the Council of Ministers No. 284 dated 30/05/1440 H on amending Item (Firstly) and the addition of Item (Thirdly) of the Resolution concerning the obligation of persons, applying for a visa to enter the Kingdom and their companions, to acquire health insurance.

The Resolution by the Council of Ministers No. 284 dated 30/05/1440 H on amending Item (Firstly) and the addition of Item (Thirdly) of the Resolution concerning the obligation of persons, applying for a visa to enter the Kingdom and their companions, to acquire health insurance.

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Circular No. (10623 / M) dated 5/9/1426 H on the protection of government lands and the non-selling or assignment thereof to any other party unless under the instructional provisions

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Circular No. (10623 / M) dated 5/9/1426 H on the protection of government lands and the non-selling or assignment thereof to any other party unless under the instructional provisions

Council of Ministers No. (285) dated 30/5/1440 H on the suspension of tasking under Item (firstly) of the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (394) dated 15/10/1435 H about that services to be delivered to houses where the owners thereof do not have legal instruments concerning them.

Council of Ministers No. (285) dated 30/5/1440 H on the suspension of tasking under Item (firstly) of the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (394) dated 15/10/1435 H about that services to be delivered to houses where the owners thereof do not have legal instruments concerning them.

The directory concerning the design of bridges

The directory concerning the design of bridges

Legislation of Meat Products "sausage factories"

Legislation of Meat Products "sausage factories"

Legislation of meat products "Burger Factories"

Legislation of meat products "Burger Factories"

Legislation of fast food shops

Legislation of fast food shops

The Directory of "the health education program" for employees in food and public

The Directory of "the health education program" for employees in food and public

The Directory concerning the Facilities Environment Management towards cleaner production

The Directory concerning the Facilities Environment Management towards cleaner production

Royal Court - cable No. 2026 dated 11/1/1438 on the Council of Ministers Decree No. 30 dated 9/1/1438

Royal Court - cable No. 2026 dated 11/1/1438 on the Council of Ministers Decree No. 30 dated 9/1/1438

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (155) dated 21/7/1406 H on the rules regarding the designation of streets and squares, and the numbering of real estate in the cities and The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (155) dated 21/7/1406 H on the rules regarding the designation of strevillages of the Kingdom.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (155) dated 21/7/1406 H on the rules regarding the designation of streets and squares, and the numbering of real estate in the cities and villages of the Kingdom.

Royal Order No. (A / 295) dated 26/10 / 1438H regarding the approval of the institution of the Addariyiah Gate Development Authority

Royal Order No. (A / 295) dated 26/10 / 1438H regarding the approval of the institution of the Addariyiah Gate Development Authority

Directory of controls for the planning of agricultural plants and animal production projects

Directory of controls for the planning of agricultural plants and animal production projects

The Council of Ministers Telegram about to take into account the spatial development priorities of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs when all public utilities and their financial allocations are discussed and approved

The Council of Ministers Telegram about to take into account the spatial development priorities of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs when all public utilities and their financial allocations are discussed and approved

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (224) dated 17/8/1424 H on increasing the participation of citizens in the administration of local affairs by the electoral process

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (224) dated 17/8/1424 H on increasing the participation of citizens in the administration of local affairs by the electoral process

Cable No. (45608/R) dated 21/9/1424 H on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (224) dated 17/8/1424 H to increase the participation of citizens in the administration of local affairs by the electoral process

Cable No. (45608/R) dated 21/9/1424 H on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (224) dated 17/8/1424 H to increase the participation of citizens in the administration of local affairs by the electoral process

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (51096) dated 29/10/1432 H regarding increasing the number of members of the Municipal Council

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (51096) dated 29/10/1432 H regarding increasing the number of members of the Municipal Council

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (284) dated 26/8/1430 H raising the organizational level of the municipalities of Taif and Al-Ahsa to secretariats and linking them directly to the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (284) dated 26/8/1430 H raising the organizational level of the municipalities of Taif and Al-Ahsa to secretariats and linking them directly to the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Council of Ministers Decision No. (172) dated 1/11/1420 H, on amending the name "Local committees for the development and improvement of villages" contained in the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (59) dated 4/5/1417 H

Council of Ministers Decision No. (172) dated 1/11/1420 H, on amending the name "Local committees for the development and improvement of villages" contained in the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (59) dated 4/5/1417 H

Council Resolution No. (59) dated on 4/5/1417 H about amending the Regulations for the development and improvement of Villages in the Kingdom, issued under the Council of Ministers Decree No. (3) dated 1/1/1403 H, and the restructuring of local committees for the development and improvement of villages

Council Resolution No.(59) dated on 4/5/1417 H about amending the Regulations for the development and improvement of Villages in the Kingdom, issued under the Council of Ministers Decree No. (3) dated 1/1/1403 H, and the restructuring of local committees for the development and improvement of villages

The General Secretariat for Municipal Councils Circular No. (21805) dated 7/5/1439 H on the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision to approve the list of fees concerning municipal services

The General Secretariat for Municipal Councils Circular No. (21805) dated 7/5/1439 H on the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision to approve the list of fees concerning municipal services

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (20154) dated 28/4/1439 H containing the Ministry's decision to approve the list of fees for municipal services

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (20154) dated 28/4/1439 H containing the Ministry's decision to approve the list of fees for municipal services

Circular No. (3900268467) dated on 25/6/1439 H about the specifications and the planning requirements concerning parking lots

Circular No. (3900268467) dated on 25/6/1439 H about the specifications and the planning requirements concerning parking lots

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 131 dated 3/3 / 1439H approving the organizational arrangements of the Royal Commission for the province of Ulla 1439 e

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 131 dated 3/3 / 1439 H approving the organizational arrangements of the Royal Commission for the province of Ulla 1439 e

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (30081) dated 2/6/1440 H on the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (285) dated 30/5/1440 H on the suspension of tasking under Item (firstly) of the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (394) dated 15/10/1435 H about that services to be delivered to houses where the owners thereof do not have legal instruments concerning them

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (30081) dated 2/6/1440 H on the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (285) dated 30/5/1440 H on the suspension of tasking under Item (firstly) of the resolution by the Council of Ministers No. (394) dated 15/10/1435 H about that services to be delivered to houses where the owners thereof do not have legal instruments concerning them

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/51/293) dated 12/5/1438 H on the recommendations of the committee formed to study the phenomenon of waste of bread and flour products

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/51/293) dated 12/5/1438 H on the recommendations of the committee formed to study the phenomenon of waste of bread and flour products

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. (74/12/3501000) dated 11/4/1438 H on the cables issued by some citizens about the establishment of sporting events and competitions

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. (74/12/3501000) dated 11/4/1438 H on the cables issued by some citizens about the establishment of sporting events and competitions

Requirements for the rehabilitation of engineering laboratories (soil, asphalt, concrete)

Requirements for the rehabilitation of engineering laboratories (soil, asphalt, concrete)

Royal Decree No. (M / 48) dated 17 / 9 / 1434 H

Article 2: Subject to the requirements of other regulations, this law applies to all processes related to the separation, collection, transfer, screening, treatment and safe disposal of municipal solid waste.

Royal Order A/ 470 transforms the Riyadh Development Authority into the Royal Commission for Riyadh

The Authority shall have a Board of Directors chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and its members shall be appointed by order of the Prime Minister.

Royal Order (A/470) dated 29-12-1440 H

We ordered the following: First: The “Riyadh City Development Authority” has been transformed into a Royal Commission by the name of “The Royal Commission for Riyadh City”. Second: The Authority shall have a Board of Directors chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and its members shall be appointed by order of the Prime Minister.

Ministerial Telegraphic Circular Order No. (33528) dated 22/7/1438 H to form a committee to propose the regulatory and organizational framework that allows the development and establishment of infrastructure to deal with all types of waste and investment in its management

under translation

Royal Decree No. (M/107) dated 10/9/1440 H on the collection of a fixed fee on the place of presentation of tobacco products

under translation

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (522) dated 9/9/1440 H on collecting a fixed fee on the place of presentation of tobacco products

under translation

Ministerial Telegraphic Circular No. (33528) dated 22/7/1438 H to form a committee to propose the regulatory and organozational framework that allows the development and establishment of infrastructure to deal with all types of waste and investment in its management

Ministerial Telegraphic Circular No. (33528) dated 22/7/1438 H to form a committee to propose the regulatory and organozational framework that allows the development and establishment of infrastructure to deal with all types of waste and investment in its management

Decision No. (285) dated 30 / 5 / 1440 H Amendment of the provision of delivery of services to dwellings whose owners do not have legitimate instruments

First: Suspension of clause(I) of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (394) dated 15/10/1435 H, which provides for the delivery of services to dwellings whose owners do not have legal instruments on them, or ownership documents approved by the State in the following cities and governorates:(Riyadh - Mecca - Jeddah - Taif - Medina - Dammam...

Regulations for the provision of tobacco products inside and outside cities issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decree No. (4100008948) dated 17/1/1441 H

Regulations for the provision of tobacco products inside and outside cities issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decree No. (4100008948) dated 17/1/1441 H

High Order No. (10623/ M) dated 5/9/1426 H regarding non-observance of grant or waiver orders except for what was issued by a High Order

Elimination of Infringements, and for not strictly observing Council of Ministers Resolution No. (206) dated 12/9/1404 H

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (425) of 8/8/1439 H approving the Upgrading of the Organizational Level of the Municipality of Hafr Al-Batin Governorate to a Amanh and its Affiliation with the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (425) of 8/8/1439 H approving the Upgrading of the Organizational Level of the Municipality of Hafr Al-Batin Governorate to a Amanh and its Affiliation with the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Hight order No. 10623/M dated 5/9/1426 Hijri

We refer to our circular order No. 325/2 dated of 5/6/1423 AH which referred to high orders that stipulating the preservation of government lands, and impermissibility of selling or waving of such to any other entity except according to what is required by the instructions, As order No. 624 / m dated o 21/ 3/1411 AH, order No. 428 / m dated 1/3/1414 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (517) dated 18/4/1441 H regarding amending the organization of regions and cities development organizations issued by Council of Ministers No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (517) dated 18/4/1441 H regarding amending the organization of regions and cities development organizations issued by Council of Ministers No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (4100380000) dated 23/8/1441 H regarding delegation of provincial and governorate secretaries and ministry agents to exercising the powers conferred on the Minister in accordance with the laws and regulations

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (4100380000) dated 23/8/1441 H regarding delegation of provincial and governorate secretaries and ministry agents to exercising the powers conferred on the Minister in accordance with the laws and regulations

Precautionary requirements to open commercial establishments during the period of permitting roaming

Precautionary requirements to open commercial establishments during the period of permitting roaming

Decision No. 2650 dated 1/5/1437 H regarding the Approval of the Implementing Regulation of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Law

Article 2: This Regulation shall apply to all operations related to the management of Municipal Solid Waste and its projects, for example without limitation (sweeping and dispersal, collection, separation, sorting, transportation, treatment, reduction, reuse and safe disposal), subject to the provisions of other relevant Laws.

Circular No. 411 of the Council of Saudi Chambers on 21/2/1441 regarding the mandatory provision of electronic payment devices (MADA) for automobile workshops

Circular No. 411 of the Council of Saudi Chambers on 21/2/1441 regarding the mandatory provision of electronic payment devices (MADA) for automobile workshops

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (4100414161) dated 4/10/1441 H regarding the procedural guide for preventing Corona virus during office hours and the plan for employees to return to workplaces

under translation

Ministry of Interior Telegram No. (173254) dated 4/8/1440 H regarding a draft regulation of regulatory controls for private children's hospitality centers

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (426) of 24/6 / 1441H approving the regulation of the King Salman Park Foundation and the regulation of the Sports Path Foundation

Cabinet Resolution No. (426) of 24/6 / 1441H approving the regulation of the King Salman Park Foundation and the regulation of the Sports Path Foundation

Organizing the King Salman Park Institution issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (426) dated 24/6/1441 H

under translation

Regulation of the Sports Path Foundation issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (426) dated 24/6/1441 H

under translation

Royal Order No. A / 38 dated 29/1/1442 H to organize the Royal Commission for Al-Ula Governorate

Royal Order No. A / 38 dated 29/1/1442 H to organize the Royal Commission for Al-Ula Governorate

Municipal real estate disposal regulations

For the purpose of implementing this regulation, the following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this regulation, have the meanings assigned to each of them, as follows:

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (766) dated 30/11/1441 H regarding the jurisdiction of the Ministries of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Transport with regard to implemented and future roads located within and outside the urban boundary

under translation

Ministry of Interior Circular No. (227503) dated 1/12/1441 H regarding a guiding mechanism for implementing administrative rulings against government agencies

under translation

Conditions required to allow shops to operate 24 hours issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Conditions required to allow shops to operate 24 hours issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Council of ministers Decision No. (396) dated 10/6/1441 AH to amend Council of ministers Resolution No. (485) dated 16/11/1436 AH approving the establishment of a national program under the name of (The National Program to Support Project Management, Operation and Maintenance in Public Entities)

Council of ministers Decision No. (396) dated 10/6/1441 AH to amend Council of ministers Resolution No. (485) dated 16/11/1436 AH approving the establishment of a national program under the name of (The National Program to Support Project Management, Operation and Maintenance in Public Entities)

The Penalties Regulations for Municipal Violations issued by The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (92) dated 5/2/1442 AH

The Penalties Regulations for Municipal Violations issued by The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (92) dated 5/2/1442 AH

Council of ministers Decision No. (323) dated 13/6/1442 AH to cancel the Diplomatic Quarter Authority and its organizational arrangements

Council of ministers Decision No. (323) dated 13/6/1442 AH to cancel the Diplomatic Quarter Authority and its organizational arrangements

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (59574) dated 29/11/1440 AH regarding the approval of the construction license issued by the Baladi portal

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (59574) dated 29/11/1440 AH regarding the approval of the construction license issued by the Baladi portal

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (4100561883) dated 22/12/1441 AH regarding the Executive Instructions for the Regulation on Disposal of Municipal Real Estate issued by Royal Decree No. 40152 dated 29/6/1441 AH

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (4100561883) dated 22/12/1441 AH regarding the Executive Instructions for the Regulation on Disposal of Municipal Real Estate issued by Royal Decree No. 40152 dated 29/6/1441 AH

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (4200550943) dated 1/8/1442 AH regarding the suspension of modification of the use of agricultural lands in some areas

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (4200550943) dated 1/8/1442 AH regarding the suspension of modification of the use of agricultural lands in some areas

Royal telegraphic order No. (48843) dated 26/8/1442 AH amending the regulation for the disposal of municipal real estate issued by Royal Decree No. (40152) dated 29/6/1441 AH

Royal telegraphic order No. (48843) dated 26/8/1442 AH amending the regulation for the disposal of municipal real estate issued by Royal Decree No. (40152) dated 29/6/1441 AH

Royal telegraphic order No. (40152) dated 18/7/1442 AH amending the regulation for the disposal of municipal real estate issued by Royal Decree No. (40152) dated 29/6/1441 AH

Royal telegraphic order No. (40152) dated 18/7/1442 AH amending the regulation for the disposal of municipal real estate issued by Royal Decree No. (40152) dated 29/6/1441 AH

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (4200346992) dated 30 / 4 / 1442 AH approving the regulation of urban observatories

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (4200346992) dated 30 / 4 / 1442 AH approving the regulation of urban observatories

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (509) dated 1/9/1442 AH specifying the functions of the Ministry of Health in the list of penalties for municipal violations issued by Resolution No. (92) dated 5/2/1442 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (509) dated 1/9/1442 AH specifying the functions of the Ministry of Health in the list of penalties for municipal violations issued by Resolution No. (92) dated 5/2/1442 AH

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4200673053) dated 23 / 9 / 1442 AH approving the amendment of the municipal requirements for the activity of light workshops, shops selling and renting construction equipment and shops selling building materials issued by Resolution No. (4100128804) dated 11 / 4 / 1441 AH and the requirements Municipal and Technical Building Equipment Rental Centers issued by Resolution No. (6542 / 4 / F) dated 1 / 2 / 1427 AH

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4200673053) dated 23 / 9 / 1442 AH approving the amendment of the municipal requirements for the activity of light workshops, shops selling and renting construction equipment and shops selling building materials issued by Resolution No. (4100128804) dated 11 / 4 / 1441 AH and the requirements Municipal and Technical Building Equipment Rental Centers issued by Resolution No. (6542 / 4 / F) dated 1 / 2 / 1427 AH

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4300190793) dated 3 / 11 / 1443 AH regarding the approval of office requirements

Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4300190793) dated 3 / 11 / 1443 AH regarding the approval of office requirements

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300219057), dated 05/04/1443 AH, Approving the Conditions of Veterinary Hospitals

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300219057), dated 05/04/1443 AH, Approving the Conditions of Veterinary Hospitals

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300486826) dated 23/07/1443 AH approving the Conditions of Closed Stores

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300486826) dated 23/07/1443 AH approving the Conditions of Closed Stores

Royal Telegram No. (41882), dated 12/09/1438 AH, approving the Controls and Conditions related to Emptying Streets and Lanes (Internal Roads) to the Neighboring Properties

Royal Telegram No. (41882), dated 12/09/1438 AH, approving the Controls and Conditions related to Emptying Streets and Lanes (Internal Roads) to the Neighboring Properties

General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. (5110) dated 27/07/1438 AH regarding Updating the Controls and Conditions related to Emptying Streets and Lanes (Internal Roads) to the Neighboring Properties

General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. (5110) dated 27/07/1438 AH regarding Updating the Controls and Conditions related to Emptying Streets and Lanes (Internal Roads) to the Neighboring Properties

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/ 4300031256), dated 06/04/1443 AH, approving the Conditions for Car and Equipment Auctions

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/ 4300031256), dated 06/04/1443 AH, approving the Conditions for Car and Equipment Auctions

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300507776), dated 15/07/1443 AH, approving a Manual to Fencing Construction Sites in Residential Buildings

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/4300507776), dated 15/07/1443 AH, approving a Manual to Fencing Construction Sites in Residential Buildings

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/ 4300369126), dated 11/5/1443 AH, adopting the Conditions of Municipal Incubators for Street Vendors

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (1/ 4300369126), dated 11/5/1443 AH, adopting the Conditions of Municipal Incubators for Street Vendors

Table of Municipal Violations and Penalties issued by Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (4300204497) dated 12 / 3 / 1443 AH

Table of Municipal Violations and Penalties issued by Resolution of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (4300204497) dated 12 / 3 / 1443 AH

Royal Decree No. (20131) dated 23 / 8 / 1403 H regarding the Status of Dilapidated Buildings

Royal Decree No. (20131) dated 23 / 8 / 1403 H regarding the Status of Dilapidated Buildings

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (3329 / 1 / P) dated 23 / 10 / 1403 H regarding Dilapidated Buildings

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (3329 / 1 / P) dated 23 / 10 / 1403 H regarding Dilapidated Buildings

Implementing Rules of Penalties Regulation for Municipal Violations issued by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (4300204526) dated 12 / 3 / 1443 H

Implementing Rules of Penalties Regulation for Municipal Violations issued by Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Decision No. (4300204526) dated 12 / 3 / 1443 H

Royal Decree No. (4 / 571 / M) dated 26 / 3 / 1405 H regarding the Prevention of Land Encroachment

Royal Decree No. (4 / 571 / M) dated 26 / 3 / 1405 H regarding the Prevention of Land Encroachment

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (652) dated 5 / 11 / 1442 H approving the accession of the Royal Commission for Al-Ula Governorate to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and its resources with independent membership

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (652) dated 5 / 11 / 1442 H approving the accession of the Royal Commission for Al-Ula Governorate to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and its resources with independent membership

Resolution No. (442) dated 24/06/1444 AH Approval of the Organizational Arrangements for the Strategic Office for the Development of the Northern Borders Region

The arrangements shall be applicable from the date of issuance of such.

Ministerial Resolution

Approving Requirements of Groceries and Provision Stores and Super Markets.

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1/4100569839) dated 4/1/1442 H regarding the controls for approving divisions of government and private lands for all uses and controls for approving retail or sorting schemes for agricultural lands

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1/4100569839) dated 4/1/1442 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4200018300) dated 7/1/1442 H approving the Regulation for municipal data and statistics units in the municipal sector

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4200018300) dated 7/1/1442 H approving the Regulation for municipal data and statistics units in the municipal sector

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (67817) dated 17/11/1426 H issuing the Regulation for street vendors

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (67817) dated 17/11/1426 H issuing the Regulation for street vendors

Royal Order No. (A/128) dated 9/3/1443 H regarding the establishment of an authority for the development of Yanbu, Umluj, Al-Wajh and Duba

Royal Order No. (A/128) dated 9/3/1443 H

Royal Decree No. (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H

The Law shall come into force after the lapse of (60) days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. 42348 dated 14/10/1435 AH regarding addressing the regulatory gap present in the lack of prior conditions with regards to the financial coverage of the contractor applying for a tender.

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. 42348 dated 14/10/1435 AH

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4200146486) dated 24/2/1442 H regarding the regulations for open competition

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4200146486) dated 24/2/1442 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4100002901) dated 5/1/1441 H approving the Regulations for renting municipal real estate for the purpose of holding temporary activities or events

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4100002901) dated 5/1/1441 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (457) dated 7/9/1439 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (457)

Resolution No. (254), dated 07/04/1444 AH Approval of the Organizational Arrangements for Al-Ahsa Development Authority

The Arrangement shall enter into force on the date of approval thereof.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) dated 2/1/1443 H approving the Waste Management Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) dated 2/1/1443 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (1/332291) dated 18/10/1443 H approving the Implementing Regulations for the Waste Management Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (1/332291) dated 18/10/1443 H

Royal Decree (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H approving the Waste Management Law

Royal Decree (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (700) dated 26/11/1442 H amending Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H regarding the approval of the organization of development authorities for regions and cities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (700) dated 26/11/1442 H amending Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H regarding the approval of the organization of development authorities for regions and cities

according to the latest amendment Ministerial Resolution No. (557/1) dated 7/6/1435 H

according to the latest amendment Ministerial Resolution No. (557/1) dated 7/6/1435 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (130) dated 6/2/1397 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (130) dated 6/2/1397 H

Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 4/10/1435 H

Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 4/10/1435 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (214) dated 29/6/1430 H abolishing the organizational format of rural complexes and converting them to municipalities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (214) dated 29/6/1430 H abolishing the organizational format of rural complexes and converting them to municipalities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (297) dated 11/9/1433 H approving the controls for establishing companies owned by secretariats and municipalities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (297) dated 11/9/1433 H approving the controls for establishing companies owned by secretariats and municipalities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1323) dated 15/11/1392 H with regards to Common Properties Affairs

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1323) dated 15/11/1392 H with regards to Common Properties Affairs

Ministerial Resolution No. (66866) dated 12/11/1426 H approving the Implementing Regulations for the work of municipal councils Implementing Regulations for the duties of municipal councils

Ministerial Resolution No. (66866) dated 12/11/1426 H approving the Implementing Regulations for the work of municipal councils Implementing Regulations for the duties of municipal councils

Royal Decree No. (M/71) dated 6/11/1437 H approving municipal service fees

Royal Decree No. (M/71) dated 6/11/1437 H approving municipal service fees

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (34913) dated 8/5/1429 H regarding the adoption of Regulation for training workers in food and public health facilities

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (34913) dated 8/5/1429 H regarding the adoption of Regulation for training workers in food and public health facilities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (187) dated 9/5/1435 H regarding the administrative organization of the governorates of (Jeddah - Taif - Al-Ahsa)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (187) dated 9/5/1435 H regarding the administrative organization of the governorates of (Jeddah - Taif - Al-Ahsa)

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (73797) dated 19/09/1430 H amending the name of Al-Ahsa Municipality to Al-Ahsa Governorate Secretariat

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (73797) dated 19/09/1430 H amending the name of Al-Ahsa Municipality to Al-Ahsa Governorate Secretariat

Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4300109380) dated 7/2/1443 H approving the Regulation regarding municipal licensing for practicing professions and trades

Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4300109380) dated 7/2/1443 H approving the Regulation regarding municipal licensing for practicing professions and trades

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400299752) dated 22/8/1444 H approving the adoption of the guidelines for covering buildings under construction

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400299752) dated 22/8/1444 H approving the adoption of the guidelines for covering buildings under construction

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400271401) dated 1/9/1444 H approving the adoption of the guide for fencing construction works sites

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400271401) dated 1/9/1444 H approving the adoption of the guide for fencing construction works sites

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4400719980) dated 21/10/1444 H approving the guide for the use of temporary barriers in construction sites

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4400719980) dated 21/10/1444 H approving the guide for the use of temporary barriers in construction sites

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400320699) dated 30/8/1444 H approving the update of the Building Compliance Certification Procedures Manual

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4400320699) dated 30/8/1444 H approving the update of the Building Compliance Certification Procedures Manual

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (902) dated 30/12/1444 H approving the organizational arrangements for the Infrastructure Projects Center in Riyadh Region

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (902) dated 30/12/1444 H approving the organizational arrangements for the Infrastructure Projects Center in Riyadh Region

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4500071017) dated 6/02/1445 H approving the update of the Building Compliance Certification Procedures Manual

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4500071017) dated 6/02/1445 H approving the update of the Building Compliance Certification Procedures Manual

The Law According to the Latest Amendment Royal Decree No. (M/5) dated 21/2/1397 H Approving the Law of Municipalities and Rural Areas

First: Approving the “Law of Municipalities and Rural Areas” in the format attached hereto. Second: The Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, and the ministers, each under his jurisdiction shall have to implement this Decree.

Circular No. (118/5/4/O F) 13/8/1426 H regarding instructions and terms for installing gas tanks

The gas laying shall be painted yellow, as are the spigots. The direction of the gas flow in the pipes shall be shown with arrows along with installing a spigot at each gas output or branch, which can be closed when necessary.

Circular of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (24931/5/GB) dated: 19/05/1421 AH regarding the Technical Guidelines and Controls for Sanitary Burial of Waste.

Circular of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (24931/5/GB) dated: 19/05/1421 AH

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (332291/1/1443) dated 18/10/1443 H approving the Implementing Regulations for the Waste Management Law Issued by Royal Decree No. (M/3) dated 5/1/1443 H

First: Approval of the Implementing Regulations of Waste Management Law in the accompanying form.

Royal Order No. (74166) dated 29/12/1440 H Regarding the Members of the Board of Directors of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City

Royal Order No. (74166) dated 29/12/1440 H Regarding the Members of the Board of Directors of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City

Regulation of the Public Center for Transport in Makkah City and Holy Sites issued by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites No. (M/T/20230816/1/2) dated 29/1/1445 H

Regulation of the Public Center for Transport in Makkah City and Holy Sites issued by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites No. (M/T/20230816/1/2) dated 29/1/1445 H

Royal Order According to the Latest Amendment Number: A/312 Date: 29/04/1441 H

First: Approving the Regulatory Arrangements of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City, as per the attached form.

Royal Order No. (A/492) dated 3/9/1443 H

Royal Order No. (A/492) dated 3/9/1443 H

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (24249) dated 6/4/1444 H

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (24249) dated 6/4/1444 H

Royal Order No. (A/312) Dated:29/4/1441

Royal Order No. (A/312) Dated:29/4/1441

Resolution of the Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4500524353) dated 02/ 07/1445 H

First: Approval of the Regulations of licensing excavation works attached herein.

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (10459) dated 2/5/1438 H Approving the Implementing Regulations for the Municipal Licensing Procedures Law and their Requirements Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/59) dated 23/9/1435 H

Replaced by the Implementing Regulations for the Municipal Licensing Procedures Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/59) dated 23/9/1435 H issued by Resolution No. (1/4500665986) dated 5/8/1445 H Pursuant to the Provision of Clause (Second) thereof and Article (16/1) thereof

Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4500665986) dated 5/8/1445 H Approving the Adoption of the Implementing Regulations of the Municipal Licensing Procedures Law

Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4500665986) dated 5/8/1445 H

Regulations for the General Transport Center in the Holy City of Makkah and the Holy Sites Issued by Board of Directors Resolution No. (M/T/20230816/1/2) dated 29/01/1445 H

These regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette, and it shall be effective starting from the date of approval thereof.

Resolution No. (296) dated 9/4/1445 H Enabling the Ministry of Transport and Logistics to Seize Violations and Impose the Penalties Stipulated in the Penalties Regulations for Municipal Violations

Resolution No. (296) dated 9/4/1445 H

The Regulation According to the Latest Amendment - Financial Regulation for Regions and Cities Development Authorities issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

The Regulation According to the Latest Amendment - Financial Regulation for Regions and Cities Development Authorities issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

Administrative Regulation for Regions and Cities Development Authorities issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

Administrative Regulation for Regions and Cities Development Authorities issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 7/9/1439 H Approving the Regulation of Regions and Cities Development Authorities

Resolution No. (703) dated: 27/12/1443 H Approval of the organizational arrangements for the Strategic Office for the Development of the Al-Baha Region

First: Approval of the organizational arrangements for the Strategic Office for the Development of the Al-Baha Region, as attached.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (375) Dated 7/7/1443 H Amending the Regulation of the Regions and Cities Development Authorities Issued by Resolution No. (475) Dated 7/9/1439 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (375) Dated 7/7/1443 H

Oversight, Compliance and Licensing Controls for Infrastructure Projects in Riyadh Region Issued by Resolution of the Center’s Board of Directors No. (11) Dated: (20/07/1445 H) corresponding to (01/02/2024 G) Version No. (1.0)

The Center’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (11) was issued on (20/07/1445 H) corresponding to (01/02/2024 G) adopting these Controls.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (65) dated 21/1/1445 H Amending the Statute of the Sports Boulevard Foundation Issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (426) dated 24/6/1441 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (65) dated 21/1/1445 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (675) dated 29/11/1443 H Converting the "Development Agencies Support Office" to the "Development Agencies Support Center" and Approving its Regulatory Arrangements

under translation