Dear Customer: The Arab Lawyers Network apologizes for the temporary inconvenience related to the verification code via mobile and would like to inform you that the code will be sent via email. Please contact customer services for any further inquiries.

Resolution No. (253) dated 07/04/1444 H. On Establishing a Council Named (Supreme Space Council) and Amending the Name of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) to (Communications, Space and Technology Commission)

The Supreme Space Council, mentioned in Clause (First) hereof, or its representative shall prepare a draft regulation for the mentioned council, taking into consideration all relevant laws and regulations, to ensure non-duplication of roles and responsibilities and consistency of work, within a period not exceeding 30 days, and shall submit its findings to complete the statutory procedures in this regard.

Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 7/3/1444H, for the Approval of the use of Security Surveillance Cameras Law

Approval of the Use of Security Surveillance Cameras Law, as per the attached form.

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (486 / 1443) dated 23/11/1443 H Adopting the Document Regulating and Distributing the Frequency Bands Specified for the Uses of the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)

Adopting the Document Regulating and Distributing the Frequency Bands Specified for the Uses of the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)

Royal Decree No. (M / 106) dated 2 / 11 / 1443 H

Approving the Telecommunications and Information Technology Law, in the attached form.

Circular Telegram No. (37126) dated 15 / 6 / 1443 H regarding the emphasis on Government Agencies and Cloud Computing Providers to apply Critical Systems Cybersecurity Controls, apply Data Classification, and Adhere to the Controls for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Government Agencies

Emphasis on Government Agencies and Cloud Computing Providers to apply Critical Systems Cybersecurity Controls, apply Data Classification, and Adhere to the Controls for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Government Agencies

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution (475) dated 8 / 6 / 1443 H Regarding the Approval of the Document “Regulations for the Use of Fixed Wireless Links”

Approve the Document “Regulations for the Use of Fixed Wireless Links”

Resolution No. (98) dated 7 / 2 / 1443 H Approving the Personal Data Protection Law

Coordination shall be made between authorities concerned and the Saudi Central Bank to prepare a memorandum of understanding to regulate some aspects related to the application of the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulations in the entities subject to the regulatory supervision of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia and defining their respective roles in this regard.

National Data Governance Policies Version 2 – 26/5/2021

The data that government entities produce, receive or deal with constitutes a national asset that can improve performance and productivity and facilitate the provision of public services.

General rules To transfer personal data outside the geographical borders of the Kingdom issued by the decision of the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority No. (1) dated 9/11/1441 H first version on 25/11/2020

The provisions of this document apply to all public and private authorities as well as non-profit authorities in the Kingdom

National Data Governance Policies issued by the Office of National Data Management on 5/5/2020 AD - First Edition

National Data Governance Policies issued by the Office of National Data Management on 5/5/2020 AD - First Edition

Cooperative Health Security Council Circular No. 1411 dated 13/4/2020 regarding the establishment of an electronic platform and mobile application for insurance companies, claims management companies and private sector hospitals according to stages

Cooperative Health Security Council Circular No. 1411 dated 13/4/2020 regarding the establishment of an electronic platform and mobile application for insurance companies, claims management companies and private sector hospitals according to stages

Council of ministers resolution No. 85 in 10/7/1415 (H) about mobile telephone services regulation

Fees paid against Mobile Telephone services shall be fixed as follows...

Postal Dispatches Loss or Damage Compensation Regulation

Post utility shall not be responsible for loss or damage or delay or mistake in dealing with any postal material issued by ordinary un- registered a way...

Council of Ministers’ Resolution Approving the Regulations of Providing the Official Movable Telephonic Service

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 29252/b dated on 2/7/1428 H. including...

Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 121 dated on 22/4/1429(H) Approving the Regulations of Providing the Official Movable Telephonic Service

One movable telephonic service of national, international calls and international roaming and other characteristics shall be fulfilled to...

Council of Ministries Resolution Amending the Paragraph (2) of the Council of Ministries Resolution No. (15)

After reviewing the formality coming from the council of ministries No. (37187/ B) dated...

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Resolution No. (2) dated 10/3/1429 H issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Electronic Transactions Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/18) dated 8/3/1428 H

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Resolution No. (2) dated 10/3/1429 H

Resolution Approving the Technical Rules and Executive Procedures for the Regulation of service of Amateur's Wireless Set

On the basis of what has been mentioned in article no 28 from the regulation of air wireless service with the competence of...

Ministerial Resolution Approving the Regulation of Service of Amateurs' wireless Set

After reviewing the minute of board of directors of communication authority and information technology no...

The Technical Rules and Executive Procedures for the Regulation of service of Amateur's Wireless Set

The applicant of licence of amateur of wireless set should pass the test of licence of amateur of wireless set which...

Royal decree No. 19 in 5/8/1424 (H) approving regulation of wireless set amateurs

Terms and expressions defined in the first article of communication law and first article of the executive regulation of...

Circular of Audio Texts (700) Service

Reference to the royal order No. 3/B/28098 dated on 17/7/1423 H imposing that complaints of Audio texts and (700) Service that...

Council of Minister's Resolution No. (80) Dated on 07/03/1428 HApproving the Electronic Transactions Law

After reviewing the formality referred from Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. 47672/B dated on 24/101427 H. which...

Royal Decree No. (M/18) dated 8/3/1428 H Approving the Electronic Transactions Law

The following words and phrases, when mentioned in this Law, shall mean the respective meaning explained below them unless...

Royal decree No. M/35 in 24/12/1418(H) about the statute of the Saudi telecommunications company

According to this Law, a Saudi Joint Stock Company shall be established and called Saudi Telecommunication Company and shall have an artificial personality, and independent financial liability, referred to herein as (Company)...

Royal decree No. 6/2/52 in 5/2/1356(H) about the letters and remitted in and insured parcels law

The Post Law has repealed any provisions of this law contradicting it besides it indorses its amendment by a decision by the Council of Ministers...

On-land Post Rates Tariff

External postal parcels rates, on land or by air shall be specified as explained in the attached lists to this decision...

Royal decree NO. 3/2/52 in 17/1/1356(H) about the text of post law pertinent to ordinary and registered letters

The Mail Law annulled some contradictions in this Law, and approved amendments of the rest through a resolution of Cabinet of Ministers.

Council of ministers resolution No.78 in 29/3/1423 (H) about the organization of Saudi post corporation

The following expressions and terms whenever appear in this organization shall carry the meaning written before them respectively , unless the context shows otherwise...

Regulation of Post Forbidden Material and Tackling Procedures in case of Suspicion

Any postal dispatch issued from /or coming to the Kingdom shall not contain any of the following stuff or materials...

Post Exemptions Regulation

The following postal dispatches shall be exempted from clearance rates...

Controls of Introducing Rapid Information Transfer System (Internet)

Approval of introducing the a rapid information transfer system , known as (the international internet network) to the Kingdom according to the following controls...

Royal decree No. 2/2/52 in 17/1/1356(H) about the ordinary and the insured parcels law

1- The parcel shall satisfy the following conditions...

Regulation Safekeeping of Post Service Documents

Internal postal service document shall be kept for twenty four Hegira months, begins from the next day of document date...

The Kingdom Participation in Search and Rescue Program by Satellites

1- Approve of the Kingdom's participation in the Search & Rescue Program by satellites in its capacity as a providing country for the ground sectors, and to authorizing the Civil Aviation Chief the powers to...

Royal decree No. 6/1/84 in 12/1/1356(H) about mail remittance law

1- Remittances issued to destinations within and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be organized on special forms given free of charge by post offices managements to remitter to fill...

Royal decree No. M/4 in 21/2/1406(H) approving post law pertinent to ordinary and registered letters

Public Post Utility shall be managed by the provisions of this Law...

Council of Ministers Resolution approving of increase the Saudi Telecommunication Company Capital

Consent of increase of Saudi Telecommunication Company Capital from 12000000000 ( Twelve thousand million Riyal) to...

Royal Decree No. M/12 dated 12/3/1422(H) Concerning The Communications Law

The following terms wherever they appear, in this law and its executive regulation, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, carry the meaning shown in front of each as follows, respectively...

Postal Service Rates Tariff

a - Post letters materials weight shall not exceed the following limits...

A Circular Memorandum on the Amendment of the Accounting Method of Charging Government Postal Dispatches Fees

I hope in cognizance to the amendment of the accounting method which is decided according to the recommendation of the mentioned committee on the base of that governmental authorities...

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Decision No. (11) dated 17/5/1423 H Concerning The Implementing Regulations of The Communications Law

The terms and expressions defined in Article (1) of the Communication Law and Article (1) for the Legislative Organization of the Communication Corporation shall, when used in...

Council of ministries' resolution No. 74 in 5/3/1422(H) approving the telecommunications and information technology corporation law

The following terms wherever they appear, in this law, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, carry the meaning shown in front of each as follows, respectively...

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (240) dated 23/7/1428H regarding the position of the Director of the Administrative unit responsible for the information technology in the Government Departments.

under translation

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 81 dated 19/3/1430H regarding the approval of "use of computer controls and information networks in government parties"

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 81 dated 19/3/1430H regarding the approval of "use of computer controls and information networks in government parties"

Circular No. 4799/MB dated 28/5/1430H regarding urging government parties to expedite automatic connection with General control Diwan to exchange data automatically.

Circular No. 4799/MB dated 28/5/1430H regarding urging government parties to expedite automatic connection with General control Diwan to exchange data automatically.

Circular of H. E. Governor of communication and information technology authority regarding inclusive service policy and inclusive employment policy 21/5/1427H corresponding to 17/6/2006G.

Circular of H. E. Governor of communication and information technology authority regarding inclusive service policy and inclusive employment policy 21/5/1427H corresponding to 17/6/2006G.

Decision of the Governor of communication and information technology authority No. 1428H/ 165 dated 18/5/1428H regarding Inclusive service Fund

Decision of the Governor of communication and information technology authority No. 1428H/ 165 dated 18/5/1428H regarding Inclusive service Fund

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 61 dated 2/3/1429H regarding the approval of the national plan for frequency spectrum .

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 61 dated 2/3/1429H regarding the approval of the national plan for frequency spectrum .

National plan for frequency spectrum in KSA.

National plan for frequency spectrum in KSA.

By-law for consideration of communication regulation violations

By-law for consideration of communication regulation violations

Circular No. 8189 / MB dated 19/6/1426H for the formation of a committee in each government party under the name (electronic transactions committee).

Circular No. 8189 / MB dated 19/6/1426H for the formation of a committee in each government party under the name (electronic transactions committee).

Circular No. 7708/ MB dated 18/9/1430H for executing all Royal Decision s and orders issued regarding application of government electronic transactions in government parties.

Circular No. 7708/ MB dated 18/9/1430H for executing all Royal Decision s and orders issued regarding application of government electronic transactions in government parties.

Circular No. 3870/ MB dated 4/5/1430H regarding depending on technology to complete all peoples benefits and in the transactions of submittal and acceptance through opening windows to submit the service or employing or acceptance in their electronic sites.

Circular No. 3870/ MB dated 4/5/1430H regarding depending on technology to complete all peoples benefits and in the transactions of submittal and acceptance through opening windows to submit the service or employing or acceptance in their electronic sites.

Decision of Civil defense council No. (1/12/W/8) dated 7/6/1432H regarding the approval of the task and responsibilities of the Ministry of communication and information technology.

Decision of Civil defense council No. (1/12/W/8) dated 7/6/1432H regarding the approval of the task and responsibilities of the Ministry of communication and information technology.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 252 dated 16/7/1431H regarding electronic dealings and amending the two paragraphs 32,23 of the controls to apply government electronic transactions.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 252 dated 16/7/1431H regarding electronic dealings and amending the two paragraphs 32,23 of the controls to apply government electronic transactions.

Royal order No. A/54 appointing Dr. Abdualrahman bin Ahmed Algafree governor of communication and information technology authority in excellent grade.

Royal order No. A/54 appointing Dr. Abdualrahman bin Ahmed Algafree governor of communication and information technology authority in excellent grade.

Circular No. 9301/R dated 29/02/1427H. Regarding the approval of on the controls of application of the government electronic transactions

Circular No. 9301/R dated 29/02/1427H. Regarding the approval of on the controls of application of the government electronic transactions

The council of minister‟s Decision No. 40 dated 27/2/1427H. Regarding the approval of on the controls of application of the government electronic transactions

The council of minister‟s Decision No. 40 dated 27/2/1427H. Regarding the approval of on the controls of application of the government electronic transactions

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. (212) dated 28/7/1422 H. regarding formation of a technical committee at the ministry of finance and national economy to participate in it the representatives from different entities

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. (212) dated 28/7/1422 H. regarding formation of a technical committee at the ministry of finance and national economy to participate in it the representatives from different entities

Decision of the Council of Ministers No (6) dated 8/1/1430 allowing communication companies licensed in the kingdom to establish a company of one person owned to the company

Decision of the Council of Ministers No (6) dated 8/1/1430 allowing communication companies licensed in the kingdom to establish a company of one person owned to the company

Royal Decree No (M/3) dated 9/1/1430 allowing communication companies licensed in the kingdom to establish a company of one person owned to the company

Royal Decree No (M/3) dated 9/1/1430 allowing communication companies licensed in the kingdom to establish a company of one person owned to the company

Circular No. 3458/3/M dated 10/11/1404H on the agreement to print a memorial stamp on the Kingdom's development plan

Circular No. 3458/3/M dated 10/11/1404H on the agreement to print a memorial stamp on the Kingdom's development plan

Circular No. 10283/F/3 dated 4/5/1401H on the agreement to contract Philips-Erikson to set up the remaining telephone lines

Circular No. 10283/F/3 dated 4/5/1401H on the agreement to contract Philips-Erikson to set up the remaining telephone lines

Circular No. 6288/A dated 18/3/97H to advertize for a limited bidding between a number of companies to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Circular No. 6288/A dated 18/3/97H to advertize for a limited bidding between a number of companies to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Circular No. 4906/G/3 dated 5/3/97H on the agreement to contract a company to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Circular No. 4906/G/3 dated 5/3/97H on the agreement to contract a company to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 58 dated 5/4/1401H regarding the approval of to authorize the Minister for telecommunications, Mail and Telephones to contract a company to set up the remaining telephone lines endorsed in the third Five Years Plan

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 58 dated 5/4/1401H regarding the approval of to authorize the Minister for telecommunications, Mail and Telephones to contract a company to set up the remaining telephone lines endorsed in the third Five Years Plan

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 313 dated 4/3/1397H on the agreement to advertize for a limited bidding between some companies to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 313 dated 4/3/1397H on the agreement to advertize for a limited bidding between some companies to draw plans for expanding the automotive telephone

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 154 dated 25/2/1397H regarding the determined expansion of the automotive telephone

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 154 dated 25/2/1397H regarding the determined expansion of the automotive telephone

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (507) dated 23/3/1396H regarding the determined expansion of the automotive telephone in the second Fifth Years Plan

under translation

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 507 dated 23/3/1396H regarding the determined expansion of the automotive telephone in the second Fifth Years Plan

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 507 dated 23/3/1396H regarding the determined expansion of the automotive telephone in the second Fifth Years Plan

Circular No. 5952 dated 21/2/95H inclusive of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 165 dated 12/2/1395H regarding insurance of implements and switching nodes determined in the Fifth Years Plan

Circular No. 5952 dated 21/2/95H inclusive of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 165 dated 12/2/1395H regarding insurance of implements and switching nodes determined in the Fifth Years Plan

Council of Ministers Decision No. (195) dated on 27/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of information technology and services between the King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology in the Kingdom and the Advanced Computer Systems Development Center of the Ministry of Information Technology in the Republic of India

Council of Ministers Decision No. (195) dated on 27/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of information technology and services between the King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology in the Kingdom and the Advanced Computer Systems Development Center of the Ministry of Information Technology in the Republic of India

Circular No. (6801) dated on 11/2/1439 H on approving the formation of the National Cyber Security Authority

Circular No. (6801) dated on 11/2/1439 H on approving the formation of the National Cyber Security Authority

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Decision No. 51 dated 3/12/1438 about the approval of the amendment of the provisions of the Telecommunications Regulation, Article 59 on the handling of user complaints and Article 66 on invoices

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Decision No. 51 dated 3/12/1438 about the approval of the amendment of the provisions of the Telecommunications Regulation, Article 59 on the handling of user complaints and Article 66 on invoices

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. 337/1438 on the adoption of operation under the "Regulatory Framework Document for Financial Licenses concerning Standardized Licenses with Infrastructure."

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. 337/1438 on the adoption of operation under the "Regulatory Framework Document for Financial Licenses concerning Standardized Licenses with Infrastructure."

Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 22-02-1440 H on the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

Royal Decree No.m (M/15) dated 22-02-1440 H on the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (121) dated 21/1/1440H on approving the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (121) dated 21/1/1440H on approving the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

The Royal Court Telegram Circular No. 10087 dated 22/02/1440 H about The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (121) dated 21/02/1440 H on approving the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

The Royal Court Telegram Circular No. 10087 dated 22/02/1440 H about The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (121) dated 21/02/1440 H on approving the amendment of the Telecommunication Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12/03/1422 H.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (229) dated 13/8/1425 H on the operational tasks of the Internet Services Unit

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (229) dated 13/8/1425 H on the operational tasks of the Internet Services Unit

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Cablegram No.7/B/42125 dated 16-08-1425 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 229 dated 13/8/1425 H on the operational tasks of the Internet Services Unit

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Cablegram No.7/B/42125 dated 16-08-1425 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 229 dated 13/8/1425 H on the operational tasks of the Internet Services Unit

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 21/2/1440 H on approving the amendment of the Regulation of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Authority, issued under Resolution No.74 dated 05/03/1422 H.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 21/2/1440 H on approving the amendment of the Regulation of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Authority, issued under Resolution No.74 dated 05/03/1422 H.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (83) dated 1/4/1426 H on awarding bonuses to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Postal Corporation, and each member of the Board for attending the meetings of the Board and the meetings of the subcommittees

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (83) dated 1/4/1426 H on awarding bonuses to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Postal Corporation, and each member of the Board for attending the meetings of the Board and the meetings of the subcommittees

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.13755/B dated 13/04/1426 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (83) dated 1/4/1426 H on awarding bonuses to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Postal Corporation, and each member of the Board for attending the meetings of the Board and the meetings of the subcommittees

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.13755/B dated 13/04/1426 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (83) dated 1/4/1426 H on awarding bonuses to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Postal Corporation, and each member of the Board for attending the meetings of the Board and the meetings of the subcommittees

Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/305/1904 dated 9/1 / 1437H on electronic services, launched by the Ministry, to facilitate the private sector in the field of workforce recruitment

Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/305/1904 dated 9/1 / 1437H on electronic services, launched by the Ministry, to facilitate the private sector in the field of workforce recruitment

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (225) dated 6/5/1439 H on utilising the numbering starting with the digit 7 issued by the National Information Center to be the unified number of non-governmental institutions

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (225) dated 6/5/1439 H on utilising the numbering starting with the digit 7 issued by the National Information Center to be the unified number of non-governmental institutions

Circular No. (3501000/66/415) dated 30/5/1438 H on stopping the manual reception of the applications to hold associations, and obligating all shareholding companies to benefit from the electronic service

Circular No. (3501000/66/415) dated 30/5/1438 H on stopping the manual reception of the applications to hold associations, and obligating all shareholding companies to benefit from the electronic service

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (341) dated 22/7/1436 H about approving the GCC Strategy Guide concerning eGovernment

under translation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/5864) dated on 26/10/1436 H about the approval of the GCC Strategy Guide concerning eGovernment and the implementation of the GCC Supreme Council Resolution, which includes the confirmation of the Manama Record concerning the Unified Law of the Judiciary for the GCC Nations

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/5864) dated on 26/10/1436 H about the approval of the GCC Strategy Guide concerning eGovernment and the implementation of the GCC Supreme Council Resolution, which includes the confirmation of the Manama Record concerning the Unified Law of the Judiciary for the GCC Nations

Decision of the Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. 401/1440 dated 11/5 / 1440H adopting the update of the document of "Terms and Conditions of providing virtual mobile communications network operator services (mvno) and virtual network operator services for Internet things

Decision of the Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. 401/1440 dated 11/5 / 1440H adopting the update of the document of "Terms and Conditions of providing virtual mobile communications network operator services (mvno) and virtual network operator services for Internet things

Decision of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. (400) dated 1/5/1440 H on adopting the "Regulatory Framework for Financial Interviews" document

Decision of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. (400) dated 1/5/1440 H on adopting the "Regulatory Framework for Financial Interviews" document

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No.(67/18626) dated 24/3/1440 H on the launch of the electronic agency service

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No.(67/18626) dated 24/3/1440 H on the launch of the electronic agency service

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 209 dated 25/4/1440 H about the approval of the regulatory arrangements of the Saudi Space Commission

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 209 dated 25/4/1440 H about the approval of the regulatory arrangements of the Saudi Space Commission

Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No. 20223 dated 13/4/1440 H on the mechanism for government agencies to provide their services

Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No. 20223 dated 13/4/1440 H on the mechanism for government agencies to provide their services

Circular No. (14909 / B) dated 24/3/1431 H on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (82) dated 22/3/1431 H regarding the approval of the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Expert Panel No. (495) dated 21/10/1430 H regarding the Conference on Information Technology and National Security held in Riyadh During the period from the 21st to the 24th, 11, 1428 H and the mechanism of the implementation thereof

Circular No. (14909 / B) dated 24/3/1431 H on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (82) dated 22/3/1431 H regarding the approval of the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Expert Panel No. (495) dated 21/10/1430 H regarding the Conference on Information Technology and National Security held in Riyadh During the period from the 21st to the 24th, 11, 1428 H and the mechanism of the implementation thereof

Circular no. 32434 / B dated 18/7/1431 H on the copy of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 252 dated 16/7/1431 H

Circular no. 32434 / B dated 18/7/1431 H on the copy of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 252 dated 16/7/1431 H

Royal Decree No. 28696 dated 14/6/1439 regarding the formation of the "National Commission for Digital Transformation" No. 49584 dated 29/10/1438 H

Royal Decree No. 28696 dated 14/6/1439 regarding the formation of the "National Commission for Digital Transformation" No. 49584 dated 29/10/1438 H

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology cable No. (1233/39/1) dated 18/6/1439 H on the formation of the National Commission for Digital Transformation

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology cable No. (1233/39/1) dated 18/6/1439 H on the formation of the National Commission for Digital Transformation

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/93/604) dated 18/6/1437 H on activating the Ministerial Decision about the Saudisation of the Telecommunications Sector

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/93/604) dated 18/6/1437 H on activating the Ministerial Decision about the Saudisation of the Telecommunications Sector

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. 3501000/309/1701 dated 26/2/1436 H regarding the intention of the Sector of the Technology Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals to arrange a date for showcasing technology

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. 3501000/309/1701 dated 26/2/1436 H regarding the intention of the Sector of the Technology Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals to arrange a date for showcasing technology

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. 3501000/169/1137 dated 20/8 / 1436H about the development of automated systems of customs works in order to facilitate communication with customs agents

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. 3501000/169/1137 dated 20/8 / 1436H about the development of automated systems of customs works in order to facilitate communication with customs agents

Ministerial Decision No (7) dated 17/3/1440 AH.

First: Adoption of the amended regulation for the transport of non-postal packages in accordance with the copy submitted to us on 8/2/1440 AH by the Committee for the approval of the organizational aspects of the postal sector attached its copy.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (385) dated 5/7/1440 H appointing members of the Board of Directors of the Communications and Information Technology Commission from the private sector

under translation

A circular royal decree no. 36555 dated 12/8/1438 confirming the government agencies to implement security measures in the field of information security and stimulate women's employment in the field of information and communications security

A circular royal decree no. 36555 dated 12/8/1438 confirming the government agencies to implement security measures in the field of information security and stimulate women's employment in the field of information and communications security

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (403) dated 12/7/1440 H on the assumption by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the postal sector

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (403) dated 12/7/1440 H on the assumption by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the postal sector

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (194) of 10/06/1428 H proposing policies on the protection of information within the government system and the method of self-operation for the maintenance and operation of computers

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (194) of 10/06/1428 H proposing policies on the protection of information within the government system and the method of self-operation for the maintenance and operation of computers

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (135) dated 15/8/1418 H to convert the telecommunications facility (telegraph and telephone) with its various components into a joint stock company within six months

under translation

Council of ministers Resolution No. (475) of 15/7/1441 H approving the establishment of a national program in the name of (the National Program for the Development of the Information Technology Sector)

Council of ministers Resolution No. (475) of 15/7/1441 H approving the establishment of a national program in the name of (the National Program for the Development of the Information Technology Sector)

Telecommunications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (414) of 17/6/1441 H Concerning the approval of the updated rates for the reference offer document for the interconnection link

Telecommunications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (414) of 17/6/1441 H Concerning the approval of the updated rates for the reference offer document for the interconnection link

Sami Telegram Circular Order No. (28379) dated 3/5/1441 H regarding the organizational link for the National Data Management Office at the Saudi Commission for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Sami Telegram Circular Order No. (28379) dated 3/5/1441 H regarding the organizational link for the National Data Management Office at the Saudi Commission for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (292) dated 27/4/1441 H regarding the organizational arrangements for the Saudi Commission for Data and Artificial Intelligence

under translation

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (555) dated 23/9/1440 H, governing the use of information and communication technologies in government agencies of 1440 H

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (555) dated 23/9/1440 H, governing the use of information and communication technologies in government agencies of 1440 H

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Decision No. (65) dated 20/11/1439 H establishing a committee to approve the future regulatory aspects of the postal sector

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Decision No. (65) dated 20/11/1439 H establishing a committee to approve the future regulatory aspects of the postal sector

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (396) on 13/11/1439 H regarding Approving the work of the procedural rules document for mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications and information technology sector

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (8188) dated 11/10/1441 H approving the provision of services through the communication channels for the beneficiaries

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Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (39460) dated 26/6/1441 H, asserting that government agencies shall link their electronic services to the evaluation platform of the beneficiaries' experience (Watani platform)

under translation

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (290) dated 27/4/1441 H to form the Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Authority

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Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Decision No. 421/1441 dated 19/10/1441 amending Resolution No. 327/1434 and dated 22/5/1434 AH to adopt and follow the procedures and obligations for transferring the number to a mobile phone

Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Decision No. 421/1441 dated 19/10/1441 amending Resolution No. 327/1434 and dated 22/5/1434 AH to adopt and follow the procedures and obligations for transferring the number to a mobile phone

Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Decision No. (420/1441) dated 19/10/1441 H to amend the Commission’s Decision No. (394/1439) dated 14/10/1439 H regarding the procedures and obligations of number transfer for fixed telephone services

Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Decision No. 420/1441 dated 19/10/1441 H to amend the Commission’s Decision No. (394/1439) dated 14/10/1439 H regarding the procedures and obligations of number transfer for fixed telephone services

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. 416/1441 of 12/9/1441 Adopting the document of Procedures for launching services or products based on personal data of users or sharing personal data for the telecommunications, information technology and postal sector

The commission shall determine the appropriate mechanism and appropriate periods of time, to restrict and process services and products based on personal data that were released or shared before the approval of this document.

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. 415/1441 dated 23/8/1441 Adopting the document of General rules for preserving the privacy of personal data of users of the telecommunications, information technology and postal sector

This document referred to in Clause (First) shall be notified to telecommunications, information technology and postal service providers, and shall enter into force within (30) days from the date of this Resolution.

General Rules for Maintaining the Privacy of Users' Personal Data In the Communications and Information Technology Sector and the Postal Sector

The following words and terms shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise

Procedures for Launching Services or Products Based on Users' Personal Data or Sharing of Personal Data In the Communications and Information Technology Sector and the Postal Sector

The following words and terms shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise

Telecommunications companies forum governance regulation

Telecommunications companies forum governance regulation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (394/1439) dated 14 / 10 / 1439 H approving procedures and obligations for transferring the number for fixed telephone services

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (442 /1441) dated 17/11/1441 H approving the work of the document “Retail Telecommunications Services Tariff Regulations”

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (425) dated 3/2/1442 H regarding the approval of the document “Regulations for Minimum Broadband Speeds over Fixed Communications Networks”

under translation

Minister of Communications and Information Technology Resolution No. (4) dated 29 / 1 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulations (updated) of the Telecommunications Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 12 / 3 / 1422 H

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (428) dated 14/3/1442 H regarding the application of the fee for the transfer of the number for fixed telephone services to the transfer of fixed geographic and migratory service numbers, toll-free numbers (800) and unified contact numbers (9200)

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (428) dated 14/3/1442 H regarding the application of the fee for the transfer of the number for fixed telephone services to the transfer of fixed geographic and migratory service numbers, toll-free numbers (800) and unified contact numbers (9200)

The Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (423/1441) dated 27/12/1441 H approving the work on the Regulations for the Protection of the Rights of Users of Communications and Information Technology Services and the Conditions for Providing Services

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The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (426/1441) dated 4/3/1442 H regarding the approval of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Risks Management Regulation Document - First Edition dated October 2020

The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (426/1441) dated 4/3/1442 H regarding the approval of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Risks Management Regulation Document - First Edition dated October 2020

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (453 / 1442) dated 15 / 5 / 1442 H approving the final revised RIO Issue No. (1)

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (434 / 1442) dated 14 / 5 / 1442 H, to approve the Corporate Governance Regulations document for the Telecommunications Companies Forum after updating

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (456/1442) dated 20/5/1442 H regarding the approval of the procedures document for dealing with cybersecurity incidents in the telecommunications, information technology and postal sector.

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (413) dated 25/5/1441 H regarding the regulation of prices for local wholesale end-of-voice services on mobile and fixed telecommunications networks

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (438/1442) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the classification of non-controlling markets

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (438/1442) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the classification of non-controlling markets

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (454/1442) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the approval of the regulations document for the net revenue base of telecommunications for licensed service providers - version 2

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (454/1442) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the approval of the regulations document for the net revenue base of telecommunications for licensed service providers - version 2

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (455/1442) dated 15/5/1442 H regarding the approval of regulatory documents related to class licensing services

under translation

Cyber security controls to work remotely during the state of preparedness to confront the emerging corona virus (COVID-19) issued by the decision of the National Cybersecurity Authority No. (p. 20/1/1 T) dated 20/7/1441 AH

Cyber security controls to work remotely during the state of preparedness to confront the emerging corona virus (COVID-19) issued by the decision of the National Cybersecurity Authority No. (p. 20/1/1 T) dated 20/7/1441 AH

Council of ministers Resolution No. (267) dated 14/5/1442 H approving the policy of the digital economy in the Kingdom

under translation

Cybersecurity controls for cloud computing issued by the National Cyber Security Authority Resolution No. t8/1/20p dated 17/2/1442 AH

Cybersecurity controls for cloud computing issued by the National Cyber Security Authority Resolution No. t8/1/20p dated 17/2/1442 AH

The Saudi Framework for Higher Education in Cyber Security (Cyber-Education) issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority Resolution No. t10/1/20P dated 20/2/1442 AH

The Saudi Framework for Higher Education in Cyber Security (Cyber-Education) issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority Resolution No. t10/1/20P dated 20/2/1442 AH

The Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (433/1442) dated 13/5/1442 H to approve an upper limit for the tariff of receiving calls for subscribers of the (caller) free call service to be (20) halalas per minute for calls from fixed and mobile numbers

under translation

Communication and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (430) dated 18/4/1442 H regarding the approval of the regulatory framework document for cloud computing, version No. (3)

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (432) dated 2/5/1442 H regarding the approval of the “Experimental Environment Regulations for the provision of delivery service via SANDBOX electronic platforms”

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (429) dated 18/4/1442 H regarding the regulation of the tariff for issuing calling cards presented to users

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Cybersecurity controls for sensitive laws issued by the National Cyber Security Authority Resolution No. 6 / C3 / T dated 5/7/1440 AH

Cybersecurity controls for sensitive laws issued by the National Cyber Security Authority Resolution No. 6 / C3 / T dated 5/7/1440 AH

National encryption standards issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority Resolution No. 20/1/7 T dated 2/12/1441 AH

National encryption standards issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority Resolution No. 20/1/7 T dated 2/12/1441 AH

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (461/1442), dated 27/6/1442 H, approving the Privacy Risks Assessment Guide document for telecommunications, information technology and postal service providers, and the criteria document for determining the need for a privacy risk assessment

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Council of ministers Resolution No. (418) dated 25/7/1442 H approving the regulation of the Digital Government Authority

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Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Resolution No. (458/1442) dated 18/6/1442 H regarding the regulation of accepting requests from service providers to submit digital offers

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The Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (460/1442), dated 19/6/1442 H, approving the National Internet Exchange Regulations document

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Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (1442/457) dated 18/6/1442 H regarding the regulation of offers for fixed wireless access (FWA) services and migratory services provided to users

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority Resolution No. (1442/459) dated 18/6/1442 H to organize offers for fixed broadband services over optical fibers provided to users

under translation

The Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (462/1442) dated 4/8/1442 H regarding the approval of the updated “Interconnection Regulations” document and the updated “Regulations for Access to Physical Facilities” document

under translation

Royal Decree Number (M /19) Dated 9/2/1443 H Approving the Personal Data Protection Law

First: Approving of the Personal Data Protection Law, by the form attached herewith

Royal Order No.(6801) dated 11-2 1439 H approving the Regulation of the National Cybersecurity Authority

First: The Electronic Security Center at the Ministry of Interior and CERT at the Communications and Information Technology Commission shall be transferred to the National Cybersecurity Authority.

Resolution No. (592) dated 1 / 11 / 1443 H Approving the Communications and Information Technology Law

First: Approving the Communications and Information Technology Law, by the form attached herewith.

Resolution of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. (490) dated 3 / 1 / 1444 H regarding the adoption of the document on the regulation of cyber security operations in the telecommunications, information technology and postal sector

Resolution of the Communications and Information Technology Commission No. (490) dated 3 / 1 / 1444 H regarding the adoption of the document on the regulation of cyber security operations in the telecommunications, information technology and postal sector

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 292 dated 27 / 4 / 1441 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 292 dated 27 / 4 / 1441 H

Royal Decree No. (M/106) dated 2 / 11 / 1443 AH approving the Communications and Information Technology law

Royal Decree No. (M/106) dated 2 / 11 / 1443 AH approving the Communications and Information Technology law

Council of ministers Resolution No. (592) dated 1 / 11 / 1443 H approving the Communications and Information Technology law

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (485 / 1443) dated 27/10/1443 AH regarding Postponing the Imposition of the Financial Fee for the service of transferring the number to the Landline

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (485 / 1443) dated 27/10/1443 AH regarding Postponing the Imposition of the Financial Fee for the service of transferring the number to the Landline

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (489/1443) dated 27/12/1443 AH Regarding the Cancellation of the Regulatory Framework Document on Providing Access to Network Elements Issued by Resolution No. 1427/137 dated 17/9/1427 AH

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (489/1443) dated 27/12/1443 AH Regarding the Cancellation of the Regulatory Framework Document on Providing Access to Network Elements Issued by Resolution No. 1427/137 dated 17/9/1427 AH

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (484 / 1443) dated 19/0 9/ 1443 H regarding Updating the Regulations and licenses for Telecom Services

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (484 / 1443) dated 19/0 9/ 1443 H regarding Updating the Regulations and licenses for Telecom Services

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (253) dated 25 / 4 /1443 AH to Transfer the Projects of the Government Service Bus to the National Information Center of the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (253) dated 25 / 4 /1443 AH to Transfer the Projects of the Government Service Bus to the National Information Center of the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (253) dated 25 / 4 /1443 H to Transfer the Projects of the Government Service Bus to the National Information Center of the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Authority Resolution No. (482/1443) dated 6/8/1443 H regarding lowering the price cap of Bulk SMS

under translation

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (473/1443) dated 10/5/1443 H regarding the approval of the regulatory framework document for the controls for establishing and selling calling cards

Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No. (473/1443) dated 10/5/1443 H regarding the approval of the regulatory framework document for the controls for establishing and selling calling cards

Communications and Information Technology Commission Telegram No. (198 / 1441 / T B D) dated 22/10/1441 H regarding the illegal sale of signal booster equipment not approved by the Communications and Information Technology Commission

Communications and Information Technology Commission Telegram

Council of Saudi Chambers Letter No. (42100227) dated 14/1/1442 H regarding the illegal of import and sale of signal booster devices not approved by the Communications and Information Technology Commission

Council of Saudi Chambers Letter

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (434) dated 3/8/1442 H postponing the submission of the annual report to measure the digital transformation of the ninth session

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (434) dated 3/8/1442 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (149) dated 6 / 3 / 1443 H approving the Postal Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (149) dated 6 / 3 / 1443 H approving the Postal Law

Royal Decree No. (M / 22) dated 8 / 3 / 1443 H approving the Postal Law

Royal Decree No. (M / 22) dated 8 / 3 / 1443 H approving the Postal Law

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (15145) dated 8/3/1443 H regarding the emphasis on government agencies to expedite the implementation of basic cybersecurity controls and cybersecurity requirements and to give priority to spending from their approved budgets

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (15145) dated 8/3/1443 H

Basic Controls for cyber security issued by the Decision of the National Cyber Security Authority No. (10/G 2/T) dated 17/12/1439 H

Basic Controls for cyber security

Policy for the protection of personal data of children and the like issued by the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence Decision No. (1) dated 9/11/1441 H

Decision No. (1) dated 9/11/1441 H

Cyber Security Controls for social media accounts of entities

Cyber Security Controls

Communications and Information Technology Authority Resolution No. (468) dated 7/1/1443 H regarding the adoption of the document "Regulations for the Protection of the Rights of Postal Service Beneficiaries"

Communications and Information Technology Authority Resolution No. (468) dated 7/1/1443 H

Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443 H Approving the Personal Data Protection Law

Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (98) dated 7/2/1443 H Approving the Personal Data Protection Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (98) dated 7/2/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (14) dated 2/1/1443 H approving the Rules for regulating free and open source government software

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (14) dated 2/1/1443 H approving the Rules for regulating free and open source government software

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (465) dated 12/11/1442 H regarding the provision and submission of internal coverage solutions from telecom service providers

Communications and Information Technology Commission Resolution No. (465) dated 12/11/1442 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (707) dated 26/11/1442 H including the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority in clauses (First) and (Second) of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (379) dated 3/6/1441 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (707) dated 26/11/1442 H

Decision of the President of the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) No. (1516) dated 19/02/1445 H Approving the Implementing Regulation of Personal Data Protection Law

Decision of the President of the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) No. (1516) dated 19/02/1445 H Approving the Implementing Regulation of Personal Data Protection Law

Royal Decree No. (M/ 148) dated: 05/09/1444 H

Royal Decree No. (M/ 148) dated: 05/09/1444 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (705) dated 7/12/1443 H Transfer of the supervision of the postal sector from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services and modification of the postal system issued by Royal Decree No. (M/22) dated 8/3/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (705) dated 7/12/1443 H Transfer of the supervision of the postal sector from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services and modification of the postal system issued by Royal Decree No. (M/22) dated 8/3/1443 H

Minister of Transport and Logistics Service Resolution No. (449) dated 24/3/1444 H Approving implementing Executive for Postal Law of Royal Decree No. (22/M) dated 8/3/1443 H

Minister of Transport and Logistics Service Resolution No. (449) dated 24/3/1444 H Approving implementing Executive for Postal Law of Royal Decree No. (22/M) dated 8/3/1443 H

Royal Decree No. (4/M) dated 21/2/1406 H Approving on the Postal Law Regular and registered correspondence

Royal Decree No. (4/M) dated 21/2/1406 H Approving on the Postal Law Regular and registered correspondence

The Statute According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Minister Resolution No. (78) dated 29/3/1423 H regarding the Statute of the Saudi Postal Corporation

The Statute According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Minister Resolution No. (78) dated 29/3/1423 H regarding the Statute of the Saudi Postal Corporation

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Resolution No. (7) dated 17/3/1440 H approving the amended Regulation for Non-Postal Parcel Transportation

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Resolution No. (7) dated 17/3/1440 H approving the amended Regulation for Non-Postal Parcel Transportation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/2756) dated 6/10/1426 H regarding the New Official Post Delivery Form

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/2756) dated 6/10/1426 H regarding the New Official Post Delivery Form

Council of Minister Resolution No. (80) dated 5/5/1407 H approving the Rates of Postal Service Fees and the Regulations of the Postal Law

Council of Minister Resolution No. (80) dated 5/5/1407 H approving the Rates of Postal Service Fees and the Regulations of the Postal Law

Council of Minister Resolution No. (193) dated 10/8/1421 H regarding the regulation of the percentage due to the Ministry of Telegraph from the income of companies in exchange for the authorization of the transportation of parcels

Council of Minister Resolution No. (193) dated 10/8/1421 H regarding the regulation of the percentage due to the Ministry of Telegraph from the income of companies in exchange for the authorization of the transportation of parcels

Resolution No. (584) dated 18/7/1445 H  approving the Regulation of Official Communications and the Maintenance of Documents and their Information

Approval of the regulation for official communications and the preservation of documents and their information, as per the attached form.

National Data Governance Policies Issued by the National Data Management Office on 26/5/2021 - Second Edition

National Data Governance Policies Issued by the National Data Management Office on 26/5/2021

Decree No. (35) of 2022 Ratifying a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the Field of Islamic Affairs and Endowments Between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the State of Kuwait

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